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at ACU 585
Acu 585 is a hybrid clinic model with two lead practitioners: Dr. Jacki Fichtner and Dr. Shamus Clancey.
Private sessions are offered in the upper level of the clinic, and community acupuncture sessions are offered in the lower level of the clinic.
The community acupuncture portion of the clinic is currently seeking non-profit 501(c)(3) status and is the result of these practitioners coming together under the same umbrella to offer high quality, affordable acupuncture in a group setting/shared space.
Please scroll down to book a community acupuncture session.
Sessions may be with Jacki or Shamus.
Booking private room sessions with Jacki can be done here.
Booking private room sessions with Shamus can be done here.

We offer a need-based, sliding scale for our community acupuncture sessions.
So that we can cover our costs and maintain this community service, we ask that you choose the fullest amount that you’re able, when you’re able. Your amount can vary from session to session as needed.
For more information about your session and community acupuncture in general, scroll further down the page for more.
(coming soon)
Current hours:
Wednesdays: 12-6 with Shamus
Thursdays: 12-2 with Jacki
Saturdays: 10-3 with Shamus
We will occasionally cover for one another, depending on availability.
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